New & Noteworthy

Standardization News Mar/Apr 2025
Global harmony for UAS standards. Hidden dangers of gates. Climate mapping. And more!

Standards Impact: Footwear
Specialty work boots. High heels. 3D printed shoes. Learn about the many ways ASTM standards help put your best foot forward on our latest podcast.

Lab Manager Academy
A Lab Management Certificate — intended to support existing and potential lab managers with training in a wide variety of leadership and management skills — is now available.

Standardization Impact Report
Get a strategic overview of global innovation trends and the role that standards can and do play in supporting them.

About ASTM
Committed to serving global societal needs, ASTM International standards positively impact public health and safety, consumer confidence, and overall quality of life... Helping our world work better.

Membership & Participation
Join more than 35,000 members worldwide in the development of global standards. Our 150+ technical committees and more than 2,100 subcommittees span a wide range of industries.
Standards & Solutions
Get your standards instantly with our revolutionary subscription-based platforms, online volumes, and enterprise solutions. Learn how your entire organization can benefit from our sophisticated standards user tools and collaboration software.

ASTM Compass®
Combining 13,000+ standards with 1,500+ books and 47,000+ articles and papers plus custom workflow tools, ASTM Compass® provides you one of the most comprehensive libraries of technical information available in the world.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards
Download single standards, order print volumes, or subscribe to an online volume via ASTM Compass®.
ASTM Digital Library
Get on-demand access to every ASTM book, paper, and journal article dating back to 1932.
ASTM SpecBuilder
Use our industry-leading framework for content delivery and digital collaborating, balloting, and publishing.
Additional Standards Publishers
Explore content from leading standards development organizations AASHTO, AATCC, UNE (AENOR), API, AWWA, CGA, IES, and UOP.
Market Insights & Innovation
Join us in collaborating and creating partnerships that drive your industry forward. We offer the resources you need to quickly develop and implement standards for emerging technologies.
Standardization Impact Report
Providing a strategic overview of global innovation trends and the role of standards
ASTM Xcellerate
Accelerating standards development for new innovations
Centers of Excellence
Conducting strategic R&D for emerging technologies to enhance quality and promote commercial success
Market Intelligence & Wohlers Reports
Covering the latest in R&D, trends, and new developments in additive manufacturing

Laboratory Services
Comprehensive Solutions for All Your QA/QC Needs
From Accredited Proficiency Testing Programs and high-quality Reference Materials to automated SQC Software, we provide cost-effective, integrated products for all types of laboratories.

Training and Certification
Industry Leading Live and OnDemand Training
Ensure your team knows how to properly execute the important standards in your industry. From hands-on live courses held worldwide to interactive on-demand options, we have a learning solution to meet your needs.
Global ASTM Standards
Positively impact public health and safety, consumer confidence, and overall quality of life
MoU Partner Countries
9,400+ citations in 100+ nations contribute to and benefit from ASTM's accepted standards
Volunteer Members
Collaborate daily to create and update market-relevant industry standards
ASTM International offers resources for standards development and use worldwide according to individual country’s needs. 125 regional and national standards bodies partner with ASTM through its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) program.