ASTM D19 Member Makes Presentations in Asia

Lawrence Zintek, Ph.D., member and technical contact for several standards from ASTM International Committee D19 on Water, and a scientist in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Region 5 Chicago Regional Laboratory, Chicago, Ill., made presentations on the consensus standards development process in Korea and Japan this summer.

On June 24, while in Korea for other conferences, Zintek visited the Korea Testing and Research Institute and the Environment and Chemistry Division of the National Institute of Environmental Research in Seoul, Korea. During both sessions he introduced his work in D19 as well as with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and joined discussions about state-of-the-art processes.

On June 25 and 26, Zintek presented at the Gwanju Institute for Science and Technology, Gwanju, Korea, on consensus standards and how they are used in monitoring and assessment. According to Zintek, the audience was enthusiastically engaged in discussing the information presented. Before leaving Korea, Zintek presented on the same topic at the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, Seoul, Korea, as an invited speaker on June 27.

In Japan, Zintek conducted outreach at Kyoto University and the National Institute for Environmental Studies in Tsukuba, Japan, on July 1. In these locations Zintek provided information about consensus standards for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry methods for water and the relevance to environmental monitoring.

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