
Committee D18 Scope

Staff Manager: Katerina Koperna

Committee Scope

2.1 Scope The scope of the Committee shall be: The promotion of knowledge; stimulation of research; the development of specifications and methods for sampling and testing; and the development of terminology, definitions, and practices relating to the physical and chemical properties and behavior of soil, rock, and the fluids contained therein. Included are the physical and chemical properties and behavior of: soil-like materials and fluids occupying the pore spaces, fissures and other voids in soil and rock insofar as such fluids may influence the properties, behavior and uses of the soil and rock materials. Excluded are the uses of rock for building stone and for constituent materials in portland cement and bituminous paving and structures coming under the jurisdiction of other committees of the Society.

2.2 Interest Area The areas of interest of the Committee are soil, rock, powders, and such materials that may be intimately associated with soil and rock. . It will be the policy of this Committee to avoid, insofar as possible, dealing with methods of design of engineered structures and all those features of general practice in the use of soil and rock which may not involve the development of standards. It will, however, be considered within the scope of the Committee's work to promote by every desirable means the close cooperation of other organizations and committees whose field of endeavor is closely allied to that of the Committee.