The scope of the Committee shall be: (a) The jurisdiction over standard methods, practices, nomenclature, definitions, and procedures for presenting data in the field of metallography. (b) The development of methods for the preparation of specimens for: metallographic procedures; photomicrography; microhardness testing; grain size measurements; determining inclusion content of metals; quantitative metallography; X-Ray metallography including diffraction analysis, texture and orientation determinations, residual stress measurements, and microradiography; electron metallography utilizing transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and microprobe analysis; field ion microscopy; and ion microprobe and Auger analysis. The above list is not limiting in that methods will be developed as new instrumentation and/or techniques become readily available. (c) The preparation of standard practices for the optical and physical methods of metallography. (d) The standardization of phase diagram presentation.(e) The establishment of nomenclature and definitions related to the field of metallography. (f) The cooperation with agencies concerned with the preparation and distribution of standard reference materials related to metallography. (g) The advancement of the field of metallography by promoting cooperative test programs, publications of methods and practices, sponsoring symposia, and participating in photographic exhibits.
The area of interest of the Committee is Metallography as described above as well as the following: (a) The Committee shall review and coordinate all those proposed ASTM standards of other technical committees that specify metallographic methods and, if necessary, recommend to the issuing Committee revision of the metallographic methods before that Committee submits its proposal to the Society for adoption. (b)The Committee will cooperate with the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS). International Center for Powder Diffraction Data, which Committee E04 sponsors. (c)The Committee shall encourage liaison with other ASTM Committees and with national and international groups for standardization.