Staff Manager: Frank McConnell
ASTM Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings was formed in 1946. E06 meets twice a year, usually in April and October, with approximately 240 members attending three to four days of technical meetings. Committee E06 also periodically sponsors symposiums. The committee, with a current membership of 1282, has jurisdiction of 248 standards, published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.11 and 04.12. E06 has 18 technical subcommittees that maintain jurisdiction over these standards. Information on this subcommittee structure and E06's portfolio of approved standards and Work Items under construction are available from the Lists of Subcommittees, Standards and Work Items below. These standards have and continue to play a preeminent role in the building industry and address issues relating to the performance of buildings, their elements, components, and the description, measurement, prediction, improvement and management of the overall performance of buildings and building related facilities.