
Committee E18 Scope

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Committee Scope

2.1 The scope of the Committee shall include all activities pertinent to the development of standards and technical publications, to enhance the practice of sensory evaluation through the education of professionals in sensory and consumer research, to develop and promote conformity to accepted best practices, and the stimulation of research for the sensory evaluation of products, materials, information and services.

These objectives shall be furthered by:

2.1.1 Cooperation with other committees of ASTM and with other organizations.

2.1.2 Preparation of standard terminology.

2.1.3 Establishment of principles of psychophysical test methods.

2.1.4 Preparation of standard practices guides and other publications for design and conduct of tests, collection of data, analysis and interpretation of results, as well as to address relevant topics in the field of sensory evaluation.

2.1.5 Fostering the study of relationships between sensory evaluations and the physical, chemical and functional performance measurements of products.

2.1.6 Fostering the study of relationships between sensory evaluations and the characteristics of the respondents who perform the evaluations

2.1.7 Dissemination of information through a variety of communication channels including technical publications, and other venues such as seminars, symposia and workshops.