
Committee E21 Scope

Staff Manager: Jennifer Tursi

Committee Scope

To promote knowledge, to stimulate research and to develop environment simulation standards concerned with space technology, space system contamination control and to apply such technologies for the public benefit.
The areas of interest include standards for the following:
Simulation of the environment of planetary entry and space. Determination of the effects of the space environment on materials. Evaluation of contamination sources, measurements, effects, and control.
Areas of special interest necessary for the accomplishment of these objectives and for the application of space program technology.
This Committee will serve as a coordinating agency for these activities, and will maintain liaison with other organizations having a mutual interest. This includes the following: ASTM Committees such as E12 on Appearance of Materials, F01 on Electronics, and F07 on Aerospace Industry Methods.
National organizations such as the Institute of Environmental Sciences, SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Materials & Processes Engineering), and SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), U.S. governmental organizations such as DOD and NASA, and foreign governmental organizations such as ESA (European Space Agency) and NASDA (Japanese Space Agency).
International standards committees such as ISO/TC 209 on Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments and ISO/TC 20 on Aircraft and Spacecraft.
Areas of standards development within this scope, but under the jurisdiction of other ASTM Committees are excluded from development by this Committee unless those other groups do not choose to act directly on the specific standards area which this Committee determines to be necessary. In such cases, the Committee may elect to develop the needed standards with the appropriate liaison assistance of those other groups.