Committee E53 Scope
Committee Scope
The scope of the Committee shall be: A world leader in the development, maintenance, improvement and dissemination of standards pertaining to an organization's asset management responsibilities. The focus of the committee shall include standards to support organizational asset management internal control, including standards applicable across industry segments, and, as appropriate, standards applicable to specific industry segments. The standards will provide practices or guidance from the time of determining the need or opportunity of assets, acquisition, through final disposition. The work of this committee shall be coordinated appropriately with other ASTM committees and other organizations having mutual interest.
The general area of interest of the Committee will include standards to support all aspects of personal property asset management, (hereafter referred to simply as “asset” or “asset management”), including systems for the management of industrial, Federal, State, and local government personal assets, as well as educational and medical institution assets. Specific areas of interest will include all aspects of personal asset management from determination of needs and initial acquisition through final disposition, including receipt, identification and marking, record keeping, custodial and administrative accountability, reporting, consumption, maintenance, movement, storage, inventory, subcontract control, utilization, and disposition. The work of this committee will be coordinated with other ASTM committees and other organizations having mutual interest.
Note: In accordance with an agreement between the ASTM and the National Property Management Association (NPMA), ASTM develops and publishes Asset Management Standards and NPMA develops and presents educational and certification material.