
Committee E54 Scope

Staff Manager: Kevin Shanahan

Committee Scope

1) the development of standards (specifications, guides, practices, test methods, classifications, or terminology) for homeland security applications that do not exist elsewhere, specifically focusing on protecting responders and the public in the following areas:
• Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) detection and response (e.g., equipment, use of equipment, and protocols during and after intentional and unintentional events)
• Preparing for and responding to natural disasters, accidents, and intentional events (e.g., training and concept of operations)
• Protecting and equipping public safety personnel and responders in homeland security operations or events, but may cross over to day-to-day operations (e.g., law enforcement personal protective equipment, such as body armor and gloves, and operational equipment used for protection of citizens and responders)
• Security and protection of buildings, critical infrastructure, borders, ports, and transportation systems (e.g., preparation for intentional and unintentional events, resiliency of infrastructure, and physical protection barriers)
2) the coordination and development of standards for homeland security applications with other ASTM committees (such as F23 and D13) or other standards developing organizations having similar or related scopes (such as NFPA and ANSI).
2.2 It is the intention of E54 to coordinate with other ASTM committees and standards developing organizations having similar or related scopes to ensure that E54 does not duplicate efforts of others and to ensure the development occurs within the proper organization.
2.3 Coordination with others will be the responsibility of the E54 Strategic Planning Subcommittee.