Committee F38 Scope
Committee Scope
4.1 The Scope of the Committee shall be the development of standards and guidance materials for unmanned aircraft systems. The work of this Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM Committees and organizations having mutual interest.
4.2 The focus of the committee shall be the development of standards and publications including (but not necessarily limited to):
4.2.1 Minimum safety, performance, and flight proficiency requirements.
4.2.2 Quality assurance – to install manufacturing controls assuring aircraft conform to design criteria.
4.2.3 Production acceptance tests and procedures assuring that the completed aircraft systems meet reported performance as demonstrated in the prototype aircraft system. This performance includes limits such as: empty weight and center of gravity, performance specifications, controllability and maneuverability trim, stability, stall speed and handling characteristics, engine cooling and operating characteristics, propeller limits, systems functions, and folding or removable lifting surfaces.
4.3.3 A baseline plan for continued airworthiness systems, including methods for monitoring and maintaining continued operational safety, and processes for identifying, reporting, and remedying safety-of-flight issues.