Staff Manager: Joe Koury
To address growing concerns regarding aircraft electrical wiring systems, the US FAA's Small Airplane Directorate initiated a voluntary consensus standards effort to develop standards addressing general aviation electrical wiring systems. Due to objections regarding the utilization of generic guidance (such as FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-1B) as the certification basis for design and modification, Committee F39 is designed to develop standards for electrical wiring system design, fabrication, modification, inspection and maintenance procedures and processes.
ASTM Committee F39 was formed in 2004. They meet twice a year where approximately 20 members attend over two days of technical meetings. With a membership of approximately 210 industry professionals and experts, F39 has jurisdiction over a portfolio of international standards, used by industry, FAA, and EASA, to ensure safe aircraft designs for both pre-certification and the continued airworthiness of mature products. These standards are stand-alone references for the inspection, maintenance, repair and alteration of electrical wiring systems in General Aviation aircraft. F39 has 5 technical subcommittees that maintain jurisdiction over these standards, which are published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standard, Volume 15.09. Information on this subcommittee structure and F39's portfolio of approved standards and Work Items under construction are available from the List of Subcommittees, Standards and Work Items below. These standards play a preeminent role in all aspects addressing aircraft electrical wiring systems.