ASTM Standards for Canada
The ASTM Work Program is published by ASTM two times a year. It demonstrates ASTM's compliance to the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, Annex 3, Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards and the Standards Council of Canada’s requirements as an Accredited Standards Developer in Canada. It provides the ASTM work program for National Standards of Canada (NSCs), listing all of our active standards projects, and those published during the period since the previous work program was published. Status of all ASTM activities can be found through the ASTM website, and on each ASTM Technical Committees page ex: /membership-participation/technical-committees/committee-f15
Public Review of National Standards of Canada (NSC)
The item(s) listed are currently open for public review as part of the process for submitting an ASTM Standard as a National Standard of Canada. To request copies of proposed new standards and revisions of standards for review and comment purposes only, please email and provide the following information:
Your Name
Your Company or Association
Your Email Address
Your Telephone Number
The Work Item associated with the new standard or revision
The version (French or English)
All written statements received prior to the deadline will be considered by the originating subcommittee. Please submit comments in English, where possible, to ensure accuracy of translation.