ASTM WK22908
: C 936 currently has a requirement for abrasion resistance based on Test Method C 418, Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Concrete to Sandblasting. The proposed change would eliminate the requirement for abrasion resistance testing for the following reasons: Experience over the past 25 years has shown that degradation from abrasion is not a significant mode of failure of concrete paving units in general use. Because of this lack of relevance, the abrasion resistance testing is not conducted in the vast majority of compliance testing or asked for by specifiers. Rather, compressive strength and absorption are typically the only tests conducted or specified. The C 418 test method is a sandblasting test that does not mimic or correlate to the mode of failure typically expected from any potential abrasion degradation for concrete paving units in actual use, so results from the C 418 test method are not relevant for predicting durability of concrete paving units.
Date Initiated: 02-06-2009
Technical Contact: David Smith