Work Item
ASTM WK54813
New Specification for Performance of In-Service Pavement Marking Paint
1. Scope
Performance Based Pavement Marking Paint Specification for Non-Snow Plow areasKeywords
Paint; Pavement; Concrete; Asphalt; Chip Seal; Spray; High Solids; Conventional Solids; Viscosity; Optical Spheres; Optical Beads; Composite Optics; Color; Retroreflectivity; Performance; AdhesionRationale
This specification is needed for government agencies to specify performance criteria and to enable innovation of formulation and materials selection for advancement of the technology
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 06-07-2016
Technical Contact: Manuel Dominguez
Item: 001
Ballot: D04.38 (24-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item