Work Item

ASTM WK66030

New Guide for Quality Assessment of Metal Powder Feedstock Characterization Data for Additive Manufacturing

1. Scope
To provide quality assessment guidelines to users of metal powders in additive manufacturing processes, on when to accept laboratory test data from current ASTM test methods for powder characterization.
Powder feedstock certification

Powder feedstock assessment is essential for certification of powders received from suppliers and for qualification of powders reused in powder-bed additive manufacturing (AM) processes. This standard is needed to guide users of metal powders for additive manufacturing on when release powder test data from laboratories, to allow end users to accept powder batches from suppliers, understand when to refresh recycled powders and when to quarantine powder batches.


Developed by Subcommittee: F42.01

Committee: F42

Staff Manager: Pat Picariello

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 11-29-2018

Technical Contact: Steven Hall

