Work Item
ASTM WK67780
New Guide for Measurement and Test Equipment for Remotely Operated Facilities
1. Scope
The intent of this guide is to provide general guidelines for the applicability (selection), design, modification, installation, operation, calibration, and maintenance of measurement and test equipment in remotely operated facilities such as hot cells. Measurement and test equipment include but are not limited to analytical instruments, temperature and pressure gauges and sensors, dimensional measurement systems, balances, radiation monitors, sampling systems, and process monitoring systems. Design features and modifications necessary to calibrate, maintain, and eventually dispose of this equipment are also suggested in this guide.Keywords
Test Equipment,:Remotely Operated FacilitiesRationale
This guide will be helpful to monitor, measure, or control physical, radiological, chemical, and radiochemical parameters of processes, materials, or conditions in remote environments.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 04-05-2019
Technical Contact: Andrew Hsu
Item: 001
Ballot: C26.14 (19-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: C26.14 (23-01)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution