Work Item

ASTM WK71071

Revision of E3097-17 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Uniaxial Constant Force Thermal Cycling of Shape Memory Alloys


In 2017 two new test standards (E3097 and E3098) for shape memory alloy (SMA) material and components were published by ASTM. Since their release both standards have been subjected to ruggedness testing to identify parameters and test factors that could impact the results of the test method. Test variables identified for evaluation included heating and cooling rates, upper and lower cycle temperatures, strain rate, dwell time and minimum load. Three labs independently performed a ruggedness test of the seven identified factors, with eight runs in two replicates, on each of the two test standards. Following the completion of ruggedness testing an Inter Laboratory Study (ILS) plan was proposed for E3097 and E3098 during the E08.05.07 committee meeting in November 2019. The purpose of this work item is to conduct an ILS in order to generate a precision and bias statement for E3097.


Developed by Subcommittee: E08.05

Committee: E08

Staff Manager: Brian Milewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 12-16-2019

Technical Contact: Douglas Nicholson

Item: 000



