ASTM WK73074
Use of an industrial exoskeleton has potential ergonomic benefits and risks. This guide is intended to provide guidance and understanding of ergonomic risk factors associated with exoskeleton use that could cause cumulative harm to the exoskeleton user. Understanding both the potential benefits and risks will allow an informed decision regarding the tradeoffs between benefit and risk. The material contained herein was developed over the course of many months during meetings with Subcommittee F48.02 members who represent a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. It has been balloted concurrently at the subcommittee and main committee levels and subsequently revised to incorporate comments and suggestions received during balloting. One major change has been to expand the risks beyond musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) to include pain and fatigue which can be precursors to injuries.
Date Initiated: 05-18-2020
Technical Contact: Delia Treaster