Work Item
ASTM WK73176
New Test Methods for Determination of a 3D Perception Systems Point Wise Spatial Resolution
1. Scope
This test method covers the performance evaluation of a 3D perception systems point wise spatial resolution. The term point wise spatial resolution refers to the minimum distinguishable distance between two points within a specified volume.Keywords
point wise; spatial; resolution; distance; 3D perceptionRationale
We need to devise a reproducible method to determine the smallest perceptible feature to enable comparison of different 3D perception systems. In support of this, we need to define the metric of point wise spatial resolution and define an artifact to test small steps in X, Y, and Z direction. The users of the standard will be manufacturers of 3D perception systems who want to quantify the performance of their product, as well as users of 3D perception systems who want to compare the spatial resolution performance of different systems.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 05-29-2020
Technical Contact: Prem Rachakonda
Item: 000