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New Specification for (Additive manufacturing -- Data formats -- Specification for optimized medical image data
1. Scope
This standard includes the creation of optimized data for Medical Additive Manufacturing (MAM). These data are generated from static modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and from dynamic modalities, such as ultrasound and optical image data. The standard addresses medical-specific data quality requirements, and medical image data acquisition processing and optimization approaches for accurate solid medical models, based on real human and animal data. Acquisition of medical computer-aided design (CAD) data for sophisticated medical technology is based on two-dimensional (2D) medical images such as CT and MRI images. In order to obtain accurate and precise data, the resolution and quality of the original image are important. However, results may differ based on the operator behavior during editing, because anatomical medical images may have lower boundary clarity and there are points that cannot be automatically classified. In addition, the non-uniform intensity of noise and radiation of the original image can cause errors. Therefore, as the efforts to evaluate for medical image data acquisition processing and to reduce errors are closely related to the quality of medical care, it is necessary to standardize a series of optimization methods in order to digitize medical images and integrate them for utilization.
AM; data; medical image; MRI; CT; scan; meta data; resolution
No such standard presently exists; once approved, this document will carry the designation ISO/ASTM 52916, per the PSDO agreement between ISO and ASTM.