ASTM WK80812
There have been some frameworks that define consumer product and consumer article categories and their relationship to exposure pathways, but there is a need for more standardization and consistency across approaches. This guide will build on a 2017 OECD report and recent publications that define relevant exposure pathways for combinations of chemical categories used in various consumer products. OECD: INTERNATIONALLY HARMONISED FUNCTIONAL, PRODUCT AND ARTICLE USE CATEGORIES ENV/JM/MONO(2017)14. Eichler, C. M., Hubal, E. A. C., Xu, Y., Cao, J., Bi, C., Weschler, C. J., ... & Little, J. C. (2020). Assessing human exposure to SVOCs in materials, products, and articles: a modular mechanistic framework. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(1), 25-43.
Date Initiated: 02-02-2022
Technical Contact: Charles Bevington