Work Item
ASTM WK81810
New Test Method for Performance of Compartmentalized Heated Bin Cabinets
1. Scope
This test method evaluates the preheat energy consumption and idle energy consumption of compartmentalized heated bin cabinets. The food service operator can use this evaluation to select a compartmentalized heated bin cabinet and understand its energy performance and temperature uniformity. A compartmentalized heated bin cabinet is described as a compartmentalized commercial kitchen appliance that is used to hold hot food ingredients (usually no greater than 180°F) that has been cooked in a separate appliance at a specified temperature.Keywords
Commercial Cooking; Hot Food Holding; Holding BinsRationale
This type of equipment is offered by several manufacturers and widely used in the industry, especially in quick service restaurants. There is currently no standardized test method for this equipment type.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 05-06-2022
Technical Contact: Brian Choi
Item: 012
Ballot: F26 (23-05)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 006
Ballot: F26 (24-01)
Status: Ballot Item Approved