Work Item
ASTM WK82432
New Specification for Specification for Ethyl Levulinate Burner Fuel
1. Scope
Development of specifications for ethyl levulinate fuel derived from biomass and intended for use in stationary boiler, water heater, and furnace applications.Keywords
Biofuel; Burner; FurnaceRationale
Ethyl levulinate is a low-greenhouse-gas liquid biofuel derived from cellulosic waste products. It has extremely good cold flow properties which makes it a strong candidate for use particularly in Northern Climate Zones. For over 20 years lab and field tests have been done with this fuel. This work has been most active over the past 5 years. There is currently active work underway to develop the first commercial production plant. A standard for the commercial specifications of this fuel is needed to support planning, financing, and approval processes related to the current state of this initiative.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 06-25-2022
Technical Contact: Thomas Butcher
Item: 000