ASTM WK82607
New Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Granular Infill Materials Used in Artificial Turf Surfaces
1. Scope
This test method is used to determine the particle size distribution of granular infill materials by sieve analysis. Fibrous or non-granular materials are excluded from the scope of this standard. The results may be used to determine compliance of the particle size distribution with applicable specification requirements and to provide necessary data for product specification sheets and process control during manufacturing.Keywords
synthetic turf; infill; sieve analysis; granular organic; PSD; particle size; artificial turfRationale
There are currently no ASTM test methods that specifically cover the determination of particle size distribution (PSD) of granular infill materials used in artificial turf surfaces via sieve analysis. In the absence of a fully applicable method, existing methods for sieve analysis of other materials (aggregate, for example) are often used to determine the PSD of infill materials - often with modification. Over the past several years, the synthetic turf industry has seen an increase in the use of organic/plant-based/vegetal infill materials. These materials include cork, wood, walnut shells, and olive pits, among others. While ASTM sieve analysis methods exist for crumb rubber, a commonly used infill material, there is no method that covers all granular infill materials. A standard method describing how to determine the PSD of all granular infill materials via sieve analysis will allow manufacturers to characterize their respective materials according to a uniform method and will provide specifiers, laboratories, and customers with the ability verify compliance with the manufacturers' specifications or published data.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 07-06-2022
Technical Contact: Thomas Murphy
Item: 000