Work Item
ASTM WK83807
New Test Method for Standard Test Method for Determining Capacity of Pultruded Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Beam Shear Connections
1. Scope
This test method covers the determination of capacity of pultruded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) beam shear connections. This test method utilizes a three-point loading system applied to a simply supported beam. The ends of members with simple shear connections are assumed to be free to rotate in response to the load applied. While simple shear connections do possess some rotational restraint, this small amount is neglected. This standard test method applies to doubly symmetric shapes with double angle clips and bolted connections. Bolts to be used in bearing-type FRP connections need only be tightened to the snug-tight condition when all plies of the connection are in full bearing contact.Keywords
FRP; shear connection; pultruded angleRationale
No standardized method available. To be used by manufactures to validate confirm connections and different configurations and specifiers to confirm method to validate connections. New test method is to complement LRFD Section 2.3.2 for nonmetallic, pultruded FRP connections.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 10-17-2022
Technical Contact: Gregory Bond
Item: 000