ASTM WK83987
This WK is to modify ASTM C1629 section 6.2. This test method is a modification of the ASTM D5420 test method that is currently referenced as the indentation test in section 6.2 of this standard. Section 6.2 will now point the user to Annex A3 where this test method will be located. The test method has been modified to ONLY USE the GC method of the test. The GC method was the portion of the test used for section 6.2 of this standard. Additionally, the test now specifies how to make measures of indentation and report results of the testing. The test now references the conditioning section of ASTM C473 to ensure all specimens are properly conditioned.
Date Initiated: 10-28-2022
Technical Contact: Pamela Shinkoda
Item: 001
Ballot: C11.01 (24-04)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: C11.01 (24-05)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 002
Ballot: C11 (24-04)
Status: Ballot Item Approved