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New Test Method for Determination of Selected Pesticides and Herbicides in Water by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
1. Scope
1.0 This test method covers the determination of selected water-soluble pesticides and herbicides including regulated carbamates and chlorinated acids in aqueous matrices, including ground water, surface water, finished drinking water, and wastewater by cosolvation with methanol and filtration followed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection (LC-MS/MS).
1.1 The method is developed to enable a relatively rapid analysis of the selected analytes without requiring liquid-liquid extraction or derivatization.
1.2 Both positive and negative mode analytes are qualitatively and quantitatively determined by this method.
1.3 This method is restricted to use by or under the supervision of analysts experienced in the use of LC-MS/MS and in the interpretation of liquid chromatograms and MRMs.
1.4 Each analyst must demonstrate the ability to generate acceptable results with this method.
This method is intended to be used in monitoring and in compliance reporting for regulated pesticides and herbicides. The method combines analytes from several different techniques, including post column derivatization HPLC analysis for carbamate pesticides, and Liquid-Liquid extraction followed by diazomethane derivatization with GC-ECD detection for chlorinated acid herbicides. The method can be used for regulated drinking water, wastewater, and TCLP analytes.