Work Item
ASTM WK88101
Revision of C1460-21 Standard Specification for Shielded Transition Couplings for Use with Dissimilar DWV Pipe and Fittings Above Ground
At the time C1460 was first balloted and approved shielded transition couplings which would be used to join dissimilar pipes and fittings above ground and C1173 unshielded transition couplings were used below ground. With increasing demand for shielded transition couplings below ground the scope and title of C1460 needs to be expanded to recognize their underground use. No additional changes to the materials used are test methods are required.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 10-11-2023
Technical Contact: William LeVan
Item: 004
Ballot: A04 (24-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item