Work Item
ASTM WK88698
Revision of D2157-18 Standard Test Method for Effect of Air Supply on Smoke Density in Flue Gases from Burning Distillate Fuels
It has been 5 years since the Standard has had any changes. ASTM guidelines indicate if a Standard has gone 5 years without any activity, it should be reapproved. As part of the reapproval process, we are also reviewing “Definitions Specific to the Standard” and harmonizing definitions in that section when possible with other D02 Definitions (in D4175). In this Standard there are several “Definitions Specific to the Standard” with some presenting opportunities for harmonization.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 11-22-2023
Technical Contact: Ted Olszewski
Item: 006
Ballot: D02 (24-07)
Status: Ballot Item Approved