Work Item
ASTM WK91353
Revision of D5340-23 Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys
To provide for more accuracy, the example table in both documents should be replaced as follows. The first row where N = 1 to 5, is split into two rows: 1 and 2 to 5. For example, if N =5, the current standards suggest that surveying one sample as representative is acceptable. Experience showed that surveying one sample in this case is not enough. Also, the two current rows of 6 to 10 and 11 to 15, were combined into one row 0f 6 to 15 with the minimum number of units to survey is 3.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 06-24-2024
Technical Contact: Jerome Daleiden
Item: 011
Ballot: E17 (24-04)
Status: Ballot Item Approved