ASTM WK91869
Revised based on feedback from November subcommittee meeting; updated definitions based on Bassinets and Cradles Mattress, Floor, and Latching Ballot F15 (23-19) to apply test method to products with resilient material below the floor both with and without a separate mattress, if provided. Made changes to accommodate testing of sleep surfaces with segmented mattress supports in segmented mattresses and below the floor of products with resilient material below the floor. Address mattresses without mattress supports inside that are sewn to allow folding; Revise term "bar" to "feeler arm" and a shown in Figure 3. Revisions based on feedback from Task Group review. Also revisions based on feedback from Task Group review. Also including changes based on feedback form Subcommittee after May 2024 Subcommittee meeting.
Date Initiated: 08-05-2024
Technical Contact: David Campbell
Item: 002
Ballot: F15 (24-17)
Status: Will Reballot Item