ASTM WK92105
Revision of E1007-21 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Tapping Machine Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies and Associated Support Structures
Currently, E1007 does not specify minimum room volume limits for the RTNISPL/NISR metrics; however, minimum room volume limits are specified for the ANISPL/AIIC metrics. Room volume limits are included in E336 for both ATL/ASTC and NNR/NNIC metrics. It is assumed that it was not included for both metrics in E1007 only as an oversight, since the mathematical assumption of a diffuse field and need for minimum modal density at the lowest measured frequency band driving the minimum volume and room dimensions is the same for all normalized metrics (ASTC/NNIC/AIIC/NISR) in both standards. This ballot has some urgency since NNIC and NISR are now included in the IBC as the appropriate field metrics to enforce the minimum sound and impact transmission rating requirements for multi-family residential buildings. This ballot is part of the harmonization effort of E1007 and E336. In the final reorganization, room volume requirements will be consolidated to section 10 on receiving room selection and included in a summary table in the Significance and Use section. This ballot intentionally does not update all references to room volume requirements for RTNISPL and NISR. Note: E1007 10.3.2 matches the language in E336 E1007 Note 8 matches the language in E336 1.2. The matching requirement for minimum volume for AIIC is found in E1007 10.4.4.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 08-27-2024
Technical Contact: Evelyn Way
Item: 001
Ballot: E33.10 (24-02)
Status: Will Reballot Item