ASTM WK92122
This standard is being revised to clarify how data is to be obtained for both “forward” and “reverse” cycles. Specifically, the current published version of the standard states to run the test for 125 cycles using the force/motion profile in Fig. 4; however, it is unclear how both the “Forward Cycle” (Fig. 5) and “Reverse Cycle” (Fig. 6) are to be performed without stopping the test to reverse directions after each cycle or running two sets of tests (i.e., a “forward” run and a “reverse” run). This revision specifies that the test should be run for a total of 250 cycles, the first 125 cycles in the forward direction and the next 125 cycles in the reverse direction. Additionally, the base lubricant for the test has been changed from calf serum to bovine serum due to the expensive cost and scarcity of calf serum.
Date Initiated: 08-29-2024
Technical Contact: John Goode
Item: 001
Ballot: F04.22 (24-02)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution