ASTM WK92236
Reference 21 Soo, J.-C., Monaghan, K., Lee, T., Kashon, M., and Harper M., “Air Sampling Filtration Media: Collection Efficiency for Respirable Size-Selective Sampling,” Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol 50, 2016, p. 76. Should be replaced by Soo, J.-C., Lee, T., Kashon, M.L., Kusti, M., and Harper, M., "Quartz in Coal Dust Deposited on Internal Surface of Respirable Size Selective Samplers". Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol 11, 2014, p. D215.
Date Initiated: 09-10-2024
Technical Contact: Martin Harper
Item: 006
Ballot: D22 (24-06)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution