ASTM WK92473
This standard was removed due to date expiration and lack of activity. There have been numerous calls from the industry asking for reinstatement, as well as communication with ACI 522 sharing concerns of the industry needing the standard reinstated. The standard is an important document to specifiers and practitioners in the area of pervious concrete. This ballot needs to be reinstated and if voters see a reason to vote negative, I ask that you vote affirmative with comment or abstain with comment to get this standard reinstated and all comments will be taken up as new business. The subcommittee is wanting to address changes that need to be made, but we need a current standard to make the changes and the need to expedite the process is a must to help the industry.
Date Initiated: 10-07-2024
Technical Contact: Edward Deaver
Item: 009
Ballot: C09 (25-02)
Status: In Balloting