ASTM WK93279
Cannabinoids have a variety of uses and side effects – including psychotropic effects. Currently, there are many products on the market employing a ratio of a different cannabinoid concentrations. Additionally, as manufactures extract cannabinoids from the Cannabis plant biomass cannabinoids such as THC will also concentrate resulting in highly potent concentration of cannabinoids that can be used and diluted into final product. Lastly, these cannabinoids can rarely be identified though physical properties and typically requires an analytical method to accurately identify the cannabinoids present. The implications of these products require manufacturers to house potent cannabinoids to manufacture in a finished product for end user consumption. As a result, the comingling of cannabinoids has occurred and resulted in recalls and a public health concern. This guidance aims to improve processes to better separate and divide materials using a risk and safety-based approach.
Date Initiated: 12-29-2024
Technical Contact: Darcie Moran
Item: 001
Ballot: D37.02 (25-01)
Status: In Balloting