Artificial Intelligence Policy: ASTM International prohibits the entry of ASTM standards and related ASTM intellectual property (“ASTM IP”) into any form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT. Additionally, creating ----derivatives of ASTM IP using AI is also prohibited without express written permission from ASTM’s President. In the case of such use, ASTM will suspend a licensee’s access to ASTM IP, and further legal action will be considered.
New Guide for Transferability of Stormwater Field Monitoring Data Across Geographic Locations
1. Scope
This guide will aid authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ) (regulators) and other decision makers in properly utilizing the results of stormwater field monitoring data that was collected in other geographic areas in their local region. The guide will make recommendations relative to the critical variables and calculations to be considered and adjusted when utilizing data locally.
Stormwater, field monitoring, data transferability, performance data, removal efficiency
This standard is needed because stormwater field data is often collected in a single geographic region and then utilized across broad geographies that experience different precipitation patterns and other conditions that must be considered and accounted for in order to reliably utilize the results to assign pollutant removal credit to stormwater control measures.