You, Your Career, Your Company, Your Industry
By Cicely Enright
Mar 02, 2022
ASTM International offers opportunity: For you, your career, your company, and your industry.
While standards work takes time, effort, and energy, it’s work needed by your company and industry. That work in turn provides professional and personal benefits.
You are welcome — and needed — to connect and contribute by participating in ASTM standards work and encouraging others to do so as well. Here’s a partial list of why:
- Influence and contribute to standards that your industry needs and uses
- Collaborate with technical experts, business colleagues, and competitors worldwide
- Network with your peers
- Learn continually about developments and trends in your field
- Advance your communications and presentation skills
- Hone your capabilities in negotiating and problem-solving
- Further your career through leadership and management opportunities
- Add credibility to your business transactions and interactions
- Connect with customers and clients
- Increase your company’s visibility; add value to its work
- Receive recognition
- Give back
The cost of individual membership for a year continues to be $75, with benefits that also include access to your choice of a free volume of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
Let’s share that — with your coworkers, industry colleagues, college and university student chapters, and other professional society members — because together we are helping our world work better.
The Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees (go.astm.org/regulations) includes 19 sections of rules. Ahead of these specifics, the preface describes their purpose: “…to provide a set of rules that will ensure the development of consensus standards in accordance with rigorous democratic procedures. Rules concerning the establishment and operations of technical committees are provided as well as criteria for ensuring a balance of interests within the membership. The Regulations also stipulate voting procedures and provide detailed requirements for the consideration of all negative votes.” ■
March / April 2022