Jul 25, 2024
ASTM International’s sensory evaluation committee (E18) is developing a proposed standard that will be used by sensory and consumer researchers who need to conduct multiple-attribute sensory research. The proposed standard (WK62959) includes five methods, each of which focuses on distinct aspects of the sensory experience: description, order, appearance/disappearance, duration, and intensity.
The proposed standard includes these temporal methods:
“The temporal detail offered by these methods can inform product development optimization opportunities, provide insights regarding competition, and form a basis for offering product claims that reach beyond single time point traditional methodologies,” says ASTM member Carla Kuesten. “These multiple-attribute temporal sensory methods will aid in communication of product attributes and experiences for the consumer, helping to inform and establish expectations.”
Kuesten notes that selection criteria are provided based on the temporal experience being measured and considered against the temporal aspect and granularity that is needed. In addition, users of the proposed standard will be provided with a detailed numerical case study for each method.
Each of the case studies will include background and objective, methodology, study design, statistical analysis and interpretation, summary of results, and conclusions/recommendations.
September / October 2024