ASTM Staff Meets with Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology Representatives

Shown from left to right: Hongfeng Lu, vice president, Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology; Liu Fei, chief representative, ASTM China office; Chi Guo, vice director, Market and Quality Supervision Administrative Commission; Teresa Cendrowska, vice president, global cooperation, ASTM; Wen Zhou, president, SIST; Jianjun Tan, director, division of standardization, MQSA; and Manxue Huang, assistant president, SIST.

On Oct. 30, 2014, Teresa Cendrowska, ASTM vice president for global cooperation, and Liu Fei, ASTM chief representative in China, met with representatives of the Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, in Shenzhen, China, to learn about their history and activities.

Possible areas for collaboration, particularly for training, were also discussed. The information exchange covered ASTM's standards development, targeted technical education for industry, intensive training programs for visiting delegations, and specialized programs for attached staff and academic outreach.

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