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President's Message
A new year gives us the opportunity to look back over the previous months with introspection. For many of us, 2020 is not a year we’d be interested… more

President's Message
As many of you know, nearly a year ago we assembled an internal team (of which I am a member) whose role it is to review our culture, create… more

President's Message
A few years ago, I attended an ISO [International Organization for Standardization] General Assembly in Berlin, Germany, where the theme was “Open… more

President's Message
At times during the past few months, it has felt as though our entire world was coming to a screeching halt. But in that time, I’ve learned that the… more

President's Message
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the… more

President's Message
Building a house or doing a big renovation project might be one of your New Year’s resolutions. If you or a friend has ever undertaken something like… more

President's Message
18 years ago, we put a flag in the ground and changed our name from “ASTM” to “ASTM International” because our standards development process supports… more

President's Message
As more women complete education and/or training in technical fields, organizations like ASTM International are growing stronger due to their… more

President's Message
I remember shopping one afternoon with my son James, who was a year old at the time. He quickly tired of walking and insisted on riding “in the big… more

President's Message
When you walk into the home of one of the world’s leading standards organizations, what should you see? How should it feel? What resources should be… more