The word “standard” is commonly used in daily language, so much so that people do not always reflect on its definition. Even in the standards-development community, the term can function in casual conversation as a catch-all for several types of… more
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“Every ASTM member is entitled to vote on all Society Review Items as well as on each ballot of a main committee and subcommittee to which the member belongs.” That’s the regulation behind this integral part of developing standards: the voting… more
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Technical reports help make your information available. Longer than a journal paper, shorter than other publications, reports offer a peer-reviewed format to share work that may or may not otherwise call for full-consensus standards. Think of it… more
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Understanding the consensus process and best practices for standards development, including online tools, is important, and that’s the reason training is available. To get started, mark your calendar for the Virtual Officers’ Training Workshop in… more
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In today’s virtual environment, standards development continues through the dedication of members like you with the support of online tools such as Webex, Zoom, and more. Connecting between regular meetings, which many subcommittees and task groups… more
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What are our next steps? That’s a question every task group, subcommittee, or main committee asks at one time or another. It’s an integral part of strategic planning and moving standards and related work forward.  If you’d like support in strategic… more
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Standards Development Tips

The task group is the heart of standards development, and its leader — the task group lead, chair, or technical contact — drives the process. In this role, the lead organizes technical discussions, develops (and/or oversees the development of)… more
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Did you know that ASTM offers both conference call lines and a virtual meeting platform through Webex for technical committee meetings? This information and these tips will help you decide which platform is best for your meeting and help make your… more
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Motions — an essential part of the consensus process — support many aspects of technical committee business. Only members can make a motion regarding meeting business.  Note that the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees take top priority… more
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Regs — Or, Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees (aka The Regs), provides a set of rules to ensure consensus standards development in accordance with rigorous democratic procedures. Read The Regs in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and… more
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The meeting event page and registration process will have: A consolidated search for meetings and symposia information and new event registration process for committee weeks and independent meetings. Direct hotel registration from event registration… more
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