Here’s how students, academics, and partners are contributing to the next generation of standardization (May/June 2024).
ASTM International provides scholarships, awards, and other support for the next generation of standards professionals. In each issue, Standardization News features activities and grants that may be of interest to students, academics, and other… more
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The National Institute of Standards and Technology invites applications for the 2017 Standards Services Curricula Development Cooperative Agreement Program. This program provides financial support for the development of undergraduate and/or graduate… more
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Liu Fei, ASTM's Chief Representative in China, offered perspectives on standardization in China at the first class of "Standardization in Action: A Global Perspective" at Drexel University. This course is one aspect of a grant Drexel received… more
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ASTM Graduate Scholarships ASTM is now accepting applications for graduate scholarships. The ASTM International Graduate Scholarship is presented each year to as many as four high potential graduate students, contingent on merit and available funds… more
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ASTM Awards 2016 Project Grants Recognizing that students sometimes need financial assistance in completing graduate or senior capstone design projects, ASTM International annually offers a limited number of $500 grants to university students to… more
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ASTM International President James Thomas announced that three students won $10,000 scholarships for their doctoral studies in fields where technical standards play a crucial role.  The winners were selected from dozens of graduate student… more
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Nicholas D’Angelo Jr. is the 10th intern ASTM International has sponsored through the Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE). As a part of the program, D’Angelo wrote a research paper, inspired by the water crisis in Flint,… more
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ASTM International is now offering a limited number of $500 grants to university students to help with student design projects that contain an ASTM International standards component. ASTM International will post the results as a student standards… more
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Learn how to attract the next generation of standards developers to your technical committee's work through these success stories. An oft-quoted maxim says that if you give someone a fish you may feed them for a day, but if you teach them how to… more

Teaching the Value of Standards Through Senior Design Work My standards education began in 1990 when I became the chairman of an ASTM International task group. I was the group leader of R&D for a medical device manufacturer, recognized the need… more

A Report on the 2014 ICES Conference In forming the group that would become the International Cooperation for Education about Standardization, or ICES, John Hill, standards manager at Sun Microsystems, said, "Companies as well as standards bodies… more