How To: Get the Most Out of Your Membership

An ASTM International membership has many benefits.

On a fundamental level, membership provides a way to have your voice heard and affect industries around the globe. Additionally, membership provides opportunities such as professional networking, technical resources, and news of the latest developments in your industry. Here are four ways you can get the most out of your membership:

1) Review Committee Documents

Your committee webpage hosts several documents. You can often find a committee history or other relevant information that will offer insights about standards in a given sector. The officer listing and committee roster will also allow you to make connections with industry peers and leaders.

2) Participate in Committee Work

One of the best ways to get involved is to jump into committee work. Members often report that they learn the most from direct participation. Joining in standards development can help you learn what is happening in your industry. Discussions with your peers will reveal technological discoveries and market trends, and they will also enhance your individual professional expertise. Taking on a committee or task group role is an especially good way to gain experience.

3) Use “MyCommittees” to Stay Up to Date

This resource will clue you into work that is happening on items that interest you. You will be able to review past meeting minutes and agendas to understand where standards are in the development process and also learn what to expect from upcoming meetings.

4) Attend Committee Meetings

Going to a committee week or other event gives you an opportunity to become directly engaged in committee work. Virtual or hybrid meetings offer a particularly accessible way to learn about ASTM activity and industry developments, while going to an in-person event affords you the chance to network with industry peers and engage the work of the organization as a whole. ■

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