How To: Use ASTM International Publications
ASTM International is well-known for its technical standards, which affect people and industries across the world every single day. However, the organization also publishes a wide range of items in many formats, including journals, books, technical papers, and adjuncts and reference radiographs. With every book, paper, and journal made available via ASTM’s Compass platform, there are thousands of items that could be invaluable for a company or a research project. Here are some of the key publication formats to consider.
1. Journals
There are several ASTM journals that deal with a wide range of topics including testing and evaluation, sustainable manufacturing, materials performance, geotechnical testing, and civil engineering. ASTM journals are peer reviewed and abstracted/indexed in top databases such as Web of Science. Online subscriptions include the complete backlist of ASTM journals, and the database also hosts discontinued journals such as Journal of ASTM International.
2. Symposia Papers and STPs
ASTM hosts many symposia throughout the year, with topics drawn from the full range of industries and areas relevant to the work of its members. These events are published in book format as selected technical papers (STPs). ASTM’s collection contains over 29,000 papers, all of which are peer reviewed. Recent topics include roofing research, additive manufacturing, fire growth modeling, and agricultural agrochemicals.
3. Manuals, Monographs, and Data Series
Book-length texts, manuals, handbooks, and other ASTM publications provide many important resources. Manuals provide practical, hands-on application information, monographs offer technical information authored by highly regarded experts, and the ASTM Data Series presents data, usually with explanatory text, relevant to specific applications.
4. Technical Reports
ASTM Technical Reports provide data, recommendations, and conclusions from the research of ASTM technical committees. These texts provide insights about the current state of research, as well as challenges and processes surrounding this work. Co-authored by ASTM and International Organization for Standardization (ISO), report topics include optimized medical image data, additive manufacturing testing and design, and autonomy in aviation.
For more information, contact Todd Reitzel, director of books and journals, ASTM International. Email: treitzel@astm.org. ■
Regs Corner
10.6 Review of Standards
10.6.1 Coordination with Other Committees — In the development of standards, the committee should maintain liaison representation and cooperation with other committees when mutual interests or possible conflicts exist. The committee shall provide review of its standards to other related or interested committees or to committees offering particular expertise on sections of standards if requested. ■