ASTM’s hydrogen and fuel cells subcommittee (D03.14) and water committee (D19) are seeking participation in a new task group on hydrogen-based electrolyzers and fuel cells.   The group’s goal is to develop at least three new standard… more
Industry sectors:

ASTM International’s bioenergy and industrial chemicals from biomass committee (E48) has developed a new standard test method to measure the cellulosic content in pre- and post-conversion samples from bioethanol production. Approximately… more
Industry sectors:
Energy, Environment, Transportation

ASTM International’s gaseous fuels committee (D03) has proposed a new standard (WK91049) for a method for testing metals in gaseous fuels using sorbent tubes. This proposed standard will aid in providing innovative methods for measuring metals in… more
Industry sectors:

ASTM International’s petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants committee (D02) has revised its specification for automotive spark-ignition engine fuel (gasoline). The revision was driven by a review of multi-decade average seasonal… more
Industry sectors:
Energy, Transportation