Staff Contact: Maryann Zamorski tel +1.610.832.9684
Society Recognized Committee Awards provide the opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of individuals within the industry an ASTM committee represents. These awards are recognized by the ASTM International Board of Directors, but are developed, administered, and financially supported by a technical committee. See list below for all Society Recognized Committee Awards.
A01 Established the Award in 2004 to recognize distinguished service by individual members. The award is granted solely on merit. The title of the Award - "The Founding Committee Award" recognizes A01 as the Committee at ASTM's foundation and the role the blacksmiths and foundries of the late 1800's and early 1900's played in helping to establish A01 and the Society as we know it today. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
An award established in 1998 to recognize exceptional service to Committee A05, one of its subcommittees or one of its activities. The Awards Subcommittee of A05 on Metallic Coated Iron and Steel Products administers the award. For additional information contact Kristy Straiton at
This award was established in 1992 to recognize exceptional service to Committee B02, one of its subcommittees, or one of its activities. The award is administered by the Awards Subcommittee of Committee B02 on Nonferrous Metals and Alloys. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
An award presented to those individuals who have done the most to advance the standardization of copper and copper alloy products. The award was established in 1979 and is administered by an Awards Subcommittee under the jurisdiction of Committee B05 on Copper and Copper Alloys. For additional information contact Jennifer Rodgers at
An award established by Committee B08 on Metallic and Inorganic Coatings to recognize members of the Committee whose work in the technology of metallic and inorganic finishes exemplifies the high professionalism of Dr. Frederick A. Lowenheim. The award was established in 1982 and is administered by the Executive Subcommittee of B08. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
This Award was established in 1975 to recognize outstanding achievement in the scientific, technological or commercial aspects of zirconium production and utilization, and to encourage future efforts, studies, and research. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
An award established in 1983 by Committee B10 in honor of its first chair, this award is presented for outstanding accomplishments in the science and technology of reactive and refractory metals and alloys. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
An award granted every two years to the author or authors of a paper published in a journal of ASTM, the paper's subject relating to the manufacture, handling, testing, usage, or any other aspect of cement that comes within the scope of Committee C01 on Cement. The award was established in 1969 and is administered by Committee C01. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
Established in 2001 the award is given by Committee C01 on Cement to recognize efforts of outstanding merit that further the continuing development of standards for hydraulic cements. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
This award is presented at intervals of not more than once in two years to an individual who has performed the administrative and managerial duties of Committee C09 in an exceptional manner so as to enhance the status of concrete technology as a discipline. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
This award is presented at intervals of not more than once in two years to an ASTM Committee C09 Member who has contributed through technical excellence or other significant service to enhance standards development for concrete technology. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
This award is presented at various intervals based upon merit and available funds to a student or recent graduate of any academic level who has contributed to the field of cement and concrete technology through development of a proposed standard, research paper, or other completed study that is standards related. The awards were originally established in 1993 and further expanded in 2005 by Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates in honor of Katharine and Bryant Mather, whose leadership, dedication, determination, and technical knowledge exemplified the qualities honored by these awards. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
The Katherine and Bryant Mather Scholarship is presented each year, contingent upon merit and available funds, to full time undergraduate students completing their second/sophomore year of college, or later, or graduate students who are pursuing degrees specializing in cement or concrete materials technology, or concrete construction. The scholarship was established in 2005 and is administered by ASTM International Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
The award is presented not more often than once in three years to an ASTM member who has made notable contributions to the work of the Society in the field of concrete and concrete aggregates. The award was established in 1953 and is administered by ASTM International Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
An award given to the author or authors of a paper, published by ASTM of outstanding merit in the field of concrete and concrete aggregates. The award was established in 1938 and is administered by Committee C09. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
An award given to a member or former member of Committee C13 on Concrete Pipe who has performed outstanding work in the field of the committee's activity. Established in 1981, the award honors R. R. Litehiser, Chair of C13 from 1952 to 1962, ASTM International Honorary Member and Fellow. For additional information contact Jimmy Farrell at
The Alan H. Yorkdale Memorial Award is presented not more frequently than once a year to the author or authors of the best paper concerning clay shale, concrete, or sand-lime masonry published in the English language. The award, established in 1987 by Committee C15 on Manufactured Masonry Units, honors Alan H. Yorkdale, former Secretary of C15, member of Executive Committee of C15, Chair of C15.02 for 18 years and a leading proponent of the advancement of masonry engineering and research in his 27 years of service with the Brick Institute of America. This award is financed through voluntary contributions by ASTM International Committee C15 members and other organizations. For additional information contact Krista Robbins at
An award established in 1999 by Committee C15 to preserve the memory of Gilbert C. Robinson in memory of his contributions to the clay masonry industry, as well as ASTM Committee C15 for 35 years. The intent of the award is to recognize an individual who has made similar contributions to manufactured masonry units. For additional information contact Krista Robbins at
This award was established in 2000 to honor and remember our members for their continuous and outstanding contributions to the work of Committee C18 Dimension Stone. For additional information contact David Lee at
The Lou Toporcer Hall of Fame Award (originally called the Sealants Hall of Fame Award), established in 1972, retroactive to 1970, is presented not more frequently than once a year to an active member of Committee C24 on Building Seals and Sealants in recognition of distinguished service in the area of building seals and sealants and for contributions to the stimulation of research, promotion of knowledge and exceptional service to the building seals and sealants industry and Committee C24. For additional information contact David Lee at
The award, established in 1978, honors Harlan J. Anderson, a Fellow of the Society and the first Chair of Committee C26. It is presented annually to a member of C26 who has made outstanding contributions toward the successful operation of the Committee for a number of years. For additional information contact Steve Mawn at
This award is in recognition for continuous and outstanding contributions of an individual for the work of ASTM International Committee C28 on Advanced Ceramics, through its various subcommittees, sections, and task groups. For additional information contact Jimmy Farrell at
The Award, established in 1981, honors Dr. Frank W. Reinhart, long active in ASTM terminology work. Dr. Reinhart exemplified the intent of the award citation through his dedication to the use of correct and appropriate technical terminology in ASTM standards, both as a member of former ASTM Committee E08 on Nomenclature and Definitions, and as its Chair from 1962 to 1976. For additional information contact Maryann Zamorski at
The Euverard Innovation Award is presented not more than once a year to a member of Committee D01 who has developed an innovative test apparatus or technique or demonstrated sustained technical competence in the development of standards under the jurisdiction of Committee D01. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
An award presented to a member of ASTM International Committee D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications who has demonstrated sustained outstanding competence in managing a unit of D01 so that its productivity is high. The award was established in 1977 and is administered by the Gardner Award Group of three members of Committee D01. Henry A. Gardner was an outstanding contributor to the advancement of the science of paint testing and personally authored 12 editions of his Paint Testing Manual, the 13th Edition of which was published as ASTM International STP500. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
An annual award to a member of Committee D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications who has performed outstanding work and has had published within the last five years a technical paper of merit relating to the science of testing paints and paint materials. The award was established in 1969 as a memorial to Dr. Pearce who served as Chair of Committee D01 for more than 20 years. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
An award for outstanding achievement in the field of petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants by a member of Committee D02. The award honors one person, selected by the Advisory Committee, who is considered to be the single individual most worthy of recognition because of contributions to Committee D02. For additional information contact Alyson Fick at
An award presented at the discretion of Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquids Fuels, and Lubricants to a member, or former member, who has exhibited outstanding leadership in the standardization work of the committee. The award was established in 1982 and honors Dr. Lowrie B. Sargent, Jr., Chair of Committee D02 from 1966 to 1975. For additional information contact Alyson Fick at
An award given not more frequently than once a year for outstanding achievement in the field of petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants. This Award recognizes significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: (a) analytic methods, (b) physical testing methods, (c) performance testing methods, (d) specifications, (e) theory, and (f) standardization administration or coordination. This Award was established in 1923 and is restricted to members of Committee D02. For additional information contact Alyson Fick at
An annual award to a member or former member of Committee D04 on Road and Paving Materials who has performed outstanding work in the committee and in the field of bituminous road and paving materials. The award was established in 1972 and is administered by Committee D04. For additional information contact Ashley Wiand at
An annual award given to an individual who has made outstanding contributions in the development of ASTM International standards relating to coal and coke. The award was established in 1973 and is administered by Committee D05. For additional information contact Melissa Marcinowski at
An annual award given to the author or authors of a technical paper, published by the Society, of outstanding merit in the field of wood, wood fibers, and wood base materials, including improvements and developments in the methods of testing. Alternatively, the award may be given to leaders in this field for contributions of outstanding merit, with or without respect to specific published papers and also for competent leadership in the conduct, supervision or direction of significant wood research projects or programs. The award was established in 1968 and is administered by Committee D07. For additional information contact Melissa Marcinowski at
ASTM Technical Committee D08 on Roofing and Waterproofing established the William C. Cullen Award to recognize outstanding contributions and personal commitment by Committee D08 members to the field of roofing and waterproofing as exemplified by the distinguished accomplishments in this field by William C. Cullen. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
This Award established in 2007 recognizes outstanding research-oriented contributions by ASTM International Construction Committee members to the advancement of building envelope technology, as exemplified by the distinguished accomplishments in this field by Carl G. Cash. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
An award established by Committee D09 on Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials for outstanding achievement in the science of electrical insulation. The award was established in 1965 and is administered by Committee D09. For additional information contact Alyson Fick at
The D10 Alfred H. McKinlay award is to recognize and honor future individuals who provided outstanding leadership; and have made exemplary technical, practical and administrative contributions to Committee D10 over a continuous period of time. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
This award was established in 1998 to recognize an individual or company's exceptional service to Committee D11 on Rubber and Rubber-like-Materials, or contributions to the rubber industry in the area of rubber or rubber chemical testing. For additional information contact Melissa Marcinowski at
Committee D11 on Rubber and Rubber-like-Materials established The Dr. Robert D. Stiehler Award in 2003 to recognize an individual for exceptional long-term service to Committee D11 and ASTM International. For additional information contact Melissa Marcinowski at
An award for outstanding achievement in the field of soap and detergent technology. The award was established in 1957 and is administered by Committee D12. For additional information contact David Lee at
An award for outstanding achievement in the field of textile fiber utilization presented at a meeting of Committee D13 on Textiles. The award was established in 1949 and is administered by the Smith Award Committee consisting of the Chair and Secretary of D13 plus four other members of the Committee. For additional information contact Nora Nimmerichter at
An award established by Committee D14 on Adhesives to recognize outstanding work in the science of adhesion or the technology of adhesives or both. The award was established in 1961 and is administered by the D14 Award Committee members. For additional information contact Frank McConnell at
An annual award to a member of Committee D15 on Engine Coolants and Related Fluids of at least three years standing who has performed outstanding work in the committee. The award was established in 1972 and is administered by an Awards Subcommittee of Committee D15. For additional information contact Ashley Wiand at
An annual award to the author or authors of a paper of outstanding merit on soil and/or rock for engineering purposes that is published by the Society. The purposes of the award are to stimulate research, to encourage the extension of knowledge of soil and rock, and to recognize meritorious effort. The award, established in 1953, is named in honor of the first Chair of Committee D18 on Soil and Rock, and is administered by Committee D18. For additional information contact Katerina Koperna at
This award is presented to a member of Committee D18 on Soil and Rock whose efforts have produced a particular outstanding result or significant contribution to the work of Committee D18. This award, established in 1979, was renamed in 1995 to honor A. Ivan Johnson for over 50 years of outstanding service and leadership to Committee D18 and ASTM International. The recipient's name will be inscribed on a special plaque mounted at Society headquarters and he or she will be presented with an inscribed plaque. For additional information contact Katerina Koperna at
This award is granted to a person of recognized eminence in the work of Committee D18. The title of Honorary Member is bestowed on recipients of the award. No more than two award recipients shall be named in a calendar year. This award, established in 1992, honors Woodland G. Shockley who devoted over 36 years of distinguished service and leadership to Committee D18. The award will be recognized by the presentation of a framed plaque at a regular meeting of Committee D18, and the recipient's name will be inscribed on a special plaque mounted at Society headquarters. For additional information contact Katerina Koperna at
An annual award to a member of Committee D19 on Water of at least three years standing who has performed some outstanding work in the committee or in the field of water. The award was established in 1954 and is administered by an Awards Task Group of Committee D19. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
An annual award established in 1985 by Committee D20 on Plastics that recognize outstanding personal performance in the field. The award is presented to a member of the committee who has contributed the most toward the development and use of consensus standards or who has fostered competency and proficiency in the plastics field. For additional information contact Alyson Fick at
An award given in recognition of outstanding achievement in the standardization of the sampling and analysis of atmospheres. The award was established in 1975 and is administered by Committee D22 on Air Quality. For additional information contact Ashley Wiand at
This award was established in 1998 to recognize an individual or company's exceptional service to Committee D24 on Carbon Black, or contributions to the carbon black industry in the area of carbon black testing. In 2016, the name of the award was changed to the Jeff Melsom Distinguished Service Award to memorialize the significant contributions Jeff Melsom made to the D24 Awards Program throughout his years serving as awards chair. For additional information contact Melissa Marcinowski at
An award presented to an active member of ASTM International Committee D27 on Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases who best exemplifies Mr. Johnson's interest and dedication to the activities of the committee. The award was established in 1977 and is administered by Committee D27. For additional information contact Kelly Paul at
Administered by Committee D30 on Composite Materials, the award honors the technical and humanitarian leadership of Wayne W. Stinchcomb. The award, established in 1995, is presented biannually to an individual who has made outstanding contributions, with an emphasis on membership in research, engineering, or teaching the technology of composite materials. For additional information contact Melissa Marcinowski at
Established in 1990, this award is presented to a member of Committee D34 on Waste Disposal in recognition of outstanding organizational leadership, symposia management or task group leadership. The award is given in memory of Charles Malloy, the founder and a Past Chair of Committee D34. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
The L. David Suits Award will be presented to one distinguished individual who by their achievements in the geosynthetic field has resulted in an advancement of geosynthetic knowledge for which ASTM standards are based. It is the intent of this award to recognize and honor individuals whose extensive commitment to the geosynthetic field has made exemplary technical, practical or administrative contributions that has resulted in a significant leap-forward of knowledge, testing, testing equipment or products. Such exemplary contributions can be short-term to life-time achievements; however, these achievements must result in the noteworthy improvement of ASTM D35 and its major products or outcomes. The recipient of this award does not have to be a member of the D35 Committee. For additional information contact Travis Murdock at
The H. V. Churchill Award was established in 1967 by Committee E02 on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy in honor of its first chair. It is administered by Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials, and is presented for meritorious service to the Committee. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
Established in 1982 by Committee E16 on Sampling and Analysis of Metal-Bearing Ores and Related Materials, this award is given in recognition of its first chair for significant and technical contributions relative to the initiation, preparation or development of standards for testing ores. This award is administered by Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
This award was established in 1992 in honor of Ted Linde, the last Chair of Committee E02 on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, for outstanding leadership, particularly his contribution to the establishment of Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials. The award is given for exemplary leadership to Committee E01 and is administered by Committee E01. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
The Lundell-Bright Memorial Award is presented not more frequently than once a year to a member of Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores and Related Materials of at least three years standing, who had performed outstanding work in the committee. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
The B. F. Scribner Award, established in 1973 by Committee E02 on Emission Spectroscopy, in honor of its second chair, is presented for dedicated service to the Committee for one particular accomplishment. It is governed by Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
To encourage women college seniors or first-year graduate students to pursue the study of Physical Metallurgy or Materials Science, with emphasis on relationship of microstructure and properties. The award was established in 1975 and is administered by Committee E04 on Metallography. For additional information contact Travis Murdock at
The Joseph R. Vilella Award is given to the author of a published paper that is of outstanding merit in the field of metallography as this field is defined in the scope of Committee E04. The award is established to recognize outstanding contributions in metallography and to stimulate research and further encourage the extension of this knowledge. The award commemorates Joseph R. Vilella for his significant and outstanding contributions to the field of metallography. For additional information contact Travis Murdock at
An award presented in recognition of significant and meritorious contributions to standardization in the field of metallography through the work of ASTM International Committee E04 on Metallography. The award was established in 1977 and is administered by the Wyman Memorial Award Standing Committee consisting of three members of the Committee. For additional information contact Travis Murdock at
The Wayne P. Ellis Award is conferred, as warranted, by committee E05 in recognition of meritorious contributions to the cause of voluntary standardization, specifically with respect to fire standards. The award has been established by ASTM International Committee E05 on Fire Standards, in honor of the late Wayne P. Ellis, ASTM International President (1980) and an esteemed member of ASTM International Committee E05 from 1970 until his passing in 1993. For additional information contact Kevin Shanahan at
An award conferred as warranted in recognition of outstanding achievements in fire resistance research and in fire loss prevention, including the development of standards relating to the tests. The award was established in 1970 and is administered by an Awards Task Group of Committee E05 on Fire Standards. For additional information contact Kevin Shanahan at
This award was established by Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings in 2000 to honor E. George Stern, who has been an active and esteemed member of Committee E06 since 1955. The award is given to those individuals who have provided continuous and outstanding contributions to the work of Committee E06, standardization development, and the building community. For additional information contact Frank McConnell at
An award for formal recognition of continuous and outstanding contributions of an individual to the work of ASTM International Committee E07 on Nondestructive Testing through its various Subcommittees, Sections and Task Groups. The award was established in 1978 and is administered by Committee E07. For additional information contact Kristy Straiton at
An annual award to a graduating student of Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Lehigh University outstanding in Metallurgical Engineering or materials aspects related thereto. The award was established in 1963 and is administered by an Awards Task Group of Committee E07 on Nondestructive Testing. For additional information contact Kristy Straiton at
This award is presented for technical or other significant contributions to an individual or a connected group of individuals who, by their technical or other significant contributions, have exerted a profound, positive effect on the development of the scientific discipline of fracture mechanics. The award is administered by Committee E08. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
An award presented by Committee E08 to those individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of fatigue of materials. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture presents the award to an individual, inside or outside of the Society, who has made a significant new contribution to the application of fracture mechanics concepts and methodology to the understanding and solving of practical engineering problems. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
This award was established to recognize and honor individuals who have displayed exceptional leadership in the development of standards based on fatigue or fracture technology. The award is given in honor of Edward T. Wessel, a founding member of the predecessor committee to E08, Committee E24 on Fracture Testing. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
The award recognizes outstanding personal performance in service to Committee E10 or to one of its technical subcommittees. This award was established in 1995 by ASTM Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications in honor of Peter D. Hedgecock. For additional information contact Steve Mawn at
An award presented to a member of ASTM International of at least three years standing, who has performed outstanding work in the field of applied statistics. The award was established in 1978 and is administered by ASTM International Committee E11 on Quality and Statistics. For additional information contact Kelly Paul at
This award was established in 2000 by Committee E12 on Color and Appearance and is intended to honor and recognize those individuals who exemplify the personal and professional characteristics displayed by Mr. Richard Hunter. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
An award presented not more frequently than once a year to a current or past member of Committee E17 on Vehicle - Pavement Systems for outstanding work in the field of the committee's activity. The award was established in 1977 and is administered by Committee E17. For additional information contact David Lee at
The ASTM International Committee E17 on Vehicle - Pavement Systems establishes the Billiard-Stubstad Award to recognize distinguished service to Committee E17 by individual members. The award is granted solely on merit. For additional information contact David Lee at
The David R. Peryam Award was established by ASTM International Committee E18 on Sensory Evaluation in 1995, in memory of David R. Peryam, the "Father" of Sensory Evaluation and a prolific contributor to Committee E18. The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding professionals in the applied sensory science field. This award is administered by an Awards Committee of E18. For additional information contact Scott Orthey at
An award to a member of E20 on Temperature Measurement of at least three years standing who has performed outstanding work on the Committee. The award was established in 1974 and is administered by an Awards Task Group of the Committee. For additional information contact Krista Robbins at
The award was established in 1988 in memory of Anthony DeBellis. He was an active participating member and officer of committee E28 on Mechanical Testing, Subcommittee E28.06 on Indentation Hardness Testing, and USA representative to ISO/TC164/SC3 on Hardness. For additional information contact Ashley Wiand at
This award is given in recognition for continuous and outstanding contributions of an individual for the work of ASTM International Committee E30 on Forensic Sciences, through its various subcommittees, sections and task groups. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
An award for outstanding contributions to standardization in Acoustics. The award was established in 1975 and is administered by an Awards Subcommittee of Committee E33 on Building and Environmental Acoustics. For additional information contact Kelly Paul at
This Award was established in 2010 to recognize and honor future individuals who have made exemplary technical, practical and/or administrative contributions to Committee E35 over a continuous period of time. As a member of Committee E35 for 29 years (1978-2007), Herbert M. "Chip" Collins was a respected and significant member of the committee. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
An award presented to a member or participant in Committee E42 on Surface Analysis for outstanding contributions to the national or international development of standards for surface analysis. For additional information contact Brian Milewski at
This award recognizes distinguished service to Committee E50 or exemplary contributions to Committee E50's mission. This award, established in 2015, is named in recognition of A. Gwen Eklund who was instrumental in the formation of Committee E50 in 1990, and has been an elected or appointed member of the E50 executive committee since its inception. For additional information contact Molly Lynyak at
An award established by Committee E47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate in honor of Dr. Robert Brink, a founding member and a leader in methods development of ASTM International. The award is administered by Committee E50 on Environmental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Action. For additional information contact Molly Lynyak at
The Dieter-Hestermann award is to recognize and honor future individuals who provided outstanding leadership; and have made exemplary technical, practical and administrative contributions to Committee E53 over a continuous period of time. Award winners will have demonstrated Jim and Lyle's proficiency at achieving high quality standards, principals of leadership, promotion of the committee, the use of its standards and most important demonstrated a willingness to move the committee forward. For additional information contact Nora Nimmerichter at
Any member of Committee E61 is eligible to receive the Harry Farrar IV award. A nominee will be judged upon the member's sustained and exceptional contribution to the development and use of consensus standards in the field of radiation processing and its applications. The award recognizes outstanding performance in service to Committee E61 or to one of its technical subcommittees. Though not a prerequisite, an unusually long and productive service within E61 will be considered on its own as a significant item in the evaluation process. For additional information contact Steve Mawn at
This Award, which was established in 1974, is the highest level of recognition that is available to Committee F04. It is awarded annually to currently active individuals within the committee who have made particularly outstanding contributions to the work of the committee in developing standards for medical and surgical materials and devices. For additional information contact Kate Chalfin at
The award was established in 1996 by ASTM Committee F08 on Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces and Facilities to recognize outstanding contributions to maintain and support the establishment of voluntary full-consensus standards to enhance the safety of organized and individual sport. The award is intended to recognize individuals or organizations that best exemplify the example demonstrated by the life and career of William F. Hulse. For additional information contact Joe Koury at
The intent of the award is to recognize and honor future individuals who have made exemplary technical, practical and/or administrative contributions to Committee F11 over a sustained and continuous period of time. For additional information contact Nora Nimmerichter at
The F12 Award of Excellence was established in 1997 and is conferred, as warranted, by Committee F12 on Security Systems and Equipment in recognition of meritorious contributions to the cause of voluntary standardization, specifically with respect to security systems and equipment standards. The award has been established to recognize outstanding service to Committee F12. For additional information contact Frank McConnell at
The award is given to recognize outstanding professionals in the field of pedestrian safety. The Charles H. Irvine Award was established in 1996 by Committee F13 on Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear. It is an award dedicated to the memory of Charles H. Irvine, the first Chair of Committee F13 and a life-long leader. For additional information contact Travis Murdock at
The award was established in 2005, is dedicated to Jerry W. Gambrell who served Committee F14 on Fences as chair, leader and technical advisor to the fence community. This award is presented for outstanding contributions and leadership in the development of fence standards. For additional information contact Jamie Huffnagle at
An award to an ASTM International member for outstanding contributions in the development of voluntary consumer product standards. The award was established in 1979 and is administered by the Award Subcommittee of Committee F15 on Consumer Products. For additional information contact Molly Lynyak at
Established in 2000 by Committee F16 on Fasteners, this is the highest award given by Committee F16 to recognize exceptional leadership and sustained service to the committee in the field of fasteners. For additional information contact Jennifer Rodgers at
This award was established in 1993 in memory of Frank W. Reinhart and Henry W. (Butch) Kuhlman who, by their leadership, dedication, and contributions, exemplify the qualities honored by this award. The Frank W. Reinhart and Henry W. Kuhlman Award is presented at intervals of not less than one year to Committee F17 members and other persons for distinguished and outstanding contributions on behalf of plastics piping standardization, and for meritorious technical achievement in the field of the Committee F17. For additional information contact Kevin Shanahan at
An award established in 1999 to honor members of Committee F18 for their service, leadership and contributions towards the development of standards for electrical protective equipment for workers. For additional information contact Krista Robbins at
This award is presented as a formal recognition for an individual's outstanding contribution to the work of ASTM International Committee F25. The award has been established in honor of John Haas for his outstanding leadership as one of the founding members of the Committee and whose technical and administrative support has established F25 as a strong growing organization in the field of shipbuilding standards. Established in 1986, the award is administered by Committee F25 on Ships and Marine Technology. For additional information contact David Lee at
The John Nachtsheim Award is conferred, as warranted, by Committee F25 on Ships and Marine Technology in recognition of meritorious contributions to the cause of voluntary standardization, specifically with respect to marine technology standards. The award has been established by ASTM International Committee F25, in honor of John Nachtsheim, an esteemed member of ASTM International Committee F25. For additional information contact David Lee at
The award, established in 1989, honors Robert J. Taylor, the first Chair of Committee F25 on Ships and Marine Technology. It is presented to a company which has demonstrated and maintained a strong commitment with positive results in developing, producing, and using ASTM International Shipbuilding Standards through leadership, service, and/or use of company facilities and personnel, and through the adoption and use of these standards in ship design, production, and procurement. For additional information contact David Lee at
The Laurence R. "Nuke" Newcome Award was established in 2013 to recognize outstanding contributions by ASTM F38 members towards advancing standards development for the UAS industry. This is the highest honor that can be bestowed by Committee F38. For additional information contact Mary Mikolajewski at
An award established in 1988 is presented by ASTM International Committee G01 on Corrosion of Metals in recognition of outstanding contributors to Committee G01 and to the field of corrosion testing and evaluation as exemplified by the distinguished accomplishments in this field by Francis L. LaQue. For additional information contact Krista Robbins at
An annual award to the author or authors of a technical paper, published by the Society, of outstanding merit in the field of improvements and evaluation of corrosion testing methods. The award was established in 1946 and is administered by ASTM International Committee G01 on Corrosion of Metals. For additional information contact Krista Robbins at
Established in 1988 by Committee G02 on Wear and Erosion, and presented for outstanding and effective work in developing a new ASTM International standard, as exemplified by Frank C. Brautigam, who was Chair of a Task Group on Abrasive Wear from 1975 to 1986. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at
Any member of Committee G03 is eligible to receive the Warren D. Ketola Award. A nominee will be judged upon the members sustained and exceptional contribution to the development and use of consensus standards in the field of weathering and durability and its applications. The award recognizes outstanding personal performance in service to Committee G03 or to one of its technical subcommittees. Though not a prerequisite, a long and productive service within G03 will be considered on its own as a significant item in the evaluation process. For additional information contact Jennifer Tursi at