Classroom for Members
ASTM International recognizes that understanding the consensus process is crucial for members who wish to participate in the development of technical standards. Below you will find a variety of materials that were developed to assist members. In addition, ASTM also offers trainings via the WebEx tool and encourages members to take advantage of whatever trainings/materials they need to effectively participate in their committee work. For specific questions related to your committee please contact your staff manager. For questions about the online trainings please contact Krista Robbins.
Member Training Materials
Virtual Members Trainings
- New Member Orientation & Training
- Member Website Tools
- Balloting & Handling Negatives Votes
- WebEx Training
- Roster Maintenance
- Process of Developing & Revising a Standard
- Task Group Chair & Technical Contact Responsibilities
- Subcommittee Chair's Duties and Responsibilities
- Strategic Planning and New Activity Development
- Interlaboratory Studies Program
- Planning Symposia & Workshops
- Collaboration Area Training
- Member Promotions and Onboarding
Additional Information
- Introduction to ASTM Standards More
- Strategic Planning and New Activity Development More
- Standard Development and Onboarding Material Member Training Experience
- Your First Committee Week (English)
- Your First Committee Week (Spanish)
- How Our Meetings Work
- How to Nominate an Emerging Professional
New Member Orientation & Training
This module will provide new members with an arsenal of electronic tools that facilitate your participation at any place, at any time. These tools prepare you for meetings, keep you informed, provide technical contacts, and ultimately enable your input to the consensus process.
One way our staff can welcome you into ASTM is to "show you around" the website. The PowerPoint below will walk you through these online tools to assist you from preparing for meetings, to voting on standards, to contacting colleagues. If you have any questions about New Member Orientation, please contact Krista Robbins.
New Member Orientation & Training
New Member Orientation Checklist
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Get the Most Out of Your Membership
Your First Meeting. Plus, Regs Corner on the Basics of Voting
Train for the Roles you Play on Your Committee
How To: Attend A Committee Meeting
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Tuesday April 15, 2025, 10:00a.m. EDT
Register for Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 1:00p.m. EDT
Register for Wednesday, June 4, 2025, 8:00a.m. EDT
Register for Register for Tuesday, June 10, 2025, 9:00p.m. EDT
Balloting & Handling Negative Votes Training
If the thought of navigating an ASTM International standard successfully through the balloting process seems overwhelming to you, then sign up here. This session will teach members how to effectively move documents from a subcommittee ballot through main committee and Society review. A review of the role of COS (Committee on Standards) is also included; with a special focus on the procedural handling of negative votes throughout the balloting process. Learn to get positive results from negative votes! If you have any questions about Balloting and Handling Negative votes, please contact Alyson Fick.
Balloting & Handling Negatives Votes
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Getting Positive Results from Negative Votes
How to: Address Negative Votes
Participate in the Balloting Process
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Monday, May 19, 2025, 11:00a.m. EDT
WebEx Training
This session provides members the opportunity to host WebEx meetings or web-based conference calls. These WebEx meetings combine teleconference capability with real-time document sharing through the web. These WebEx meetings may be used by ASTM Committees for task group meetings to develop draft revisions and new standards, officer/executive subcommittee meetings, training sessions and presentations, strategic planning meetings, etc.
The PowerPoint will give you details on how the WebEx system works and assist in preparing you to host your own WebEx meeting. If you have have any questions about WebEx Training, please contact Kate Chalfin.
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 11:00a.m. EDT
Member Website Tools
With ongoing improvements to the tools available to ASTM International members online, this course is always a great refresher. This module is designed to demonstrate the vast array of tools on the ASTM website that facilitate worldwide participation in the ASTM standard development process. The module will provide information on viewing ballots, utilizing online negative ballot resolution, registering work items, submitting ballot items, accessing collaboration areas, submitting minutes and agendas, and downloading materials for ASTM meetings, along with many more helpful functions of the website. With so many online tools available, you will learn something new every time you participate in this session. If you have any questions about ASTM Online Tools, please contact Melissa Marcinowski.
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Understand Committee Structure?
Four benefits of In-Person Meetings
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 11:00a.m. EDT
Roster Maintenance Training
One of the most important and challenging duties within an ASTM International Committee is that of the Membership Secretary. This training module assists officers in classifying new members, granting official voting status, and maintaining balance on your committee and subcommittee rosters. During the course, you will walk through the numerous functions of the web-based Roster Maintenance tool. In addition, trainers will demonstrate how to access new membership applications, as well as how to create Membership Reports for your upcoming meeting. This training will be most helpful for Main Committee and Subcommittee Membership Secretaries, and Subcommittee Chair. If you have any questions about Roster Maintenance, please contact Kelly Paul.
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 2:30p.m. EDT
Process of Developing & Revising a Standard
During this joint Technical Committee Operations and Editorial module, the development and publication process for both new and revised standards will be reviewed. The module will explain how standard ideas are introduced, drafted, and publicized and will walk through ASTM International's electronic tools and time-tested techniques for accelerating the development of your standard. Included in the workshop will be a brief review of work item registration, the three stages of balloting, and an explanation of the key roles of your ASTM editor and the standard's technical contact. If you have any questions about this training module, please contact Emilie Whealen.
Process of Developing & Revising a Standard
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
How to Promote a New Work Item
What kind of Standard Is It, Anyway?
Exploring Ideas for New Standards
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Thursday, May 22, 2025, 9:00p.m. EDT
Task Group Chair & Technical Contact Responsibilities
Recently taken on the role of a task group leader or technical contact in your committee? This training module will provide an overview of the duties and responsibilities of task group leaders and technical contacts, as well as help you navigate the ASTM systems and various tools available to assist with your standards development work. Some applications that will be introduced are registration of a work item, organizing a collaboration area, submitting items for ballot, scheduling a meeting, and handling negatives and comments. If you have any questions about Responsibilities for Task Group Chair & Technical Contacts, please contact Krista Robbins.
Task Group Chair & Technical Contact Responsibilities
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Engage Members (and Non-Members) Between Meetings
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 2:00p.m. EDT
Register for Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 9:00p.m. EDT
Subcommittee Chair's Duties and Responsibilities
The role of a subcommittee chair involves many titles, such as leader, communicator, administrator, and organizer. This module provides tPlesips to conducting an effective meeting, preparing ballot items, delegating tasks, and managing subcommittee activities. If you have any questions about this training module, please contact Jimmy Farrell.
Subcommittee Chair's Duties and Responsibilities
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
How to Elect Committee Officers
Engage Members (and Non-Members) Between Meetings
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Thursday, April 17, 2025, 2:00p.m. EDT
Interlaboratory Studies Program
This workshop is designed to familiarize members with the ILS Program, its features, capabilities, and the online registration process. Accessed via the .Members Only. pages of the ASTM Website, you will be guided through a complete ILS registration, highlighting the information that will be requested in the process. This program will benefit anyone planning to run an Interlaboratory study to generate a precision statement for an existing or new ASTM test method. If you have any questions about Interlaboratory Studies Program, please contact Phillip Godorov.
Interlaboratory Studies Program
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
What are Repeatability and Reproducibility?
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 2:00p.m. EDT
Register for Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 10:30a.m. EDT
Strategic Planning and New Activity Development
ASTM International committees are designed to reflect the breadth of the industries they represent, with all stakeholder groups present. Due to the inherent complexity of many industries, it is imperative that committees retain focus in regard to their overall mission — strategic planning is a tool that can greatly assist a committee in accomplishing this goal. A comprehensive Strategic Planning philosophy reinforces a committee's strengths, maximizes potential resources. If you have any questions about this training module, please contact Kim Brown.
Strategic Planning & New Activity Development
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 2:00p.m. EDT
Planning Symposia & Workshops
ASTM International Symposia & Workshops provide an opportunity to exchange information, present research findings and identify critical areas in today’s emerging technologies. This module will cover the entire event planning process, including how to decide whether to hold a symposium or workshop, the proposal process, symposium and workshop chair’s responsibilities, tips for planning a successful event and then end with a quick overview of the publication process for a symposium. If you have any questions about this training module, please contact Kelly Dennison.
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Considering Holding a Symposium or Workshop?
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Collaboration Area Training
Take a tour of our new Collaboration area site. We explore how to navigate the latest and greatest updates of our collaboration area as a member or technical contact using the website tools.For more information, please contact Jimmy Farrell.
Accessing and Using the ASTM Collaboration Area
Standardization News article link below to learn more:
Click on the link below to register for an upcoming training session:
Register for Thursday, April 3, 2025, 10:00a.m. EDT
Register for Monday, May 19, 2025, 2:00 p.m. EDT
Member Promotions and Onboarding
This module will discuss creating an inclusive environment within your committee with an overview of ASTM’s core values, responsibilities of membership, diversity in ASTM standards and committees, and member promotions and outreach. Here you can learn about how committees benefit from being inclusive by increasing committee relevance, improving retention, discovering new talent and expertise, and investing in the future of ASTM. If you have any questions about this training module, please contact Alyson Fick.
Upcoming training sessions will be posted shortly.
If you need more information or have any questions, please contact Krista Robbins at