ASTM WK90007
Due to recent updates in hardness test methods E10, E18 and E110, the designation “HBW” as shown in Table 3 is restricted to use with stationary hardness test equipment only. Due to the size and shape constraints of some forgings, it is not always feasible to test using a stationary device. The general requirements specification for forgings, A788, makes allowance for the use of portable hardness test devices in section 10.1.2 which is included here for reference- 10.1.2: “It can be impractical to hardness test larger forgings by any other method than portable hardness testing. Product standards that state a required hardness result of HBW or HRC can have this value tested per the portable hardness testers in Test Methods and Definitions A370. The hardness results must be presented and reported according to Test Methods and Definitions A370, Portable Hardness Testing.” It is proposed that a new section, 10.3, be added using the same language to that shown above, to make clear that portable hardness testing is permitted.
Date Initiated: 03-15-2024
Technical Contact: Patrick Nowak