Work Item

ASTM WK90218

Revision of E2947-21a Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning


Propose removing definitions that are not specific to BECx and are not needed to understand BECx as a means to: • Streamline the document, • Reduce potential conflicts with other industry standards and guidelines, • Help focus the document on BECx specifically, to reduce confusion and distraction due to inclusion of content that is beyond the scope of BECx services. For this ballot, the focus is Cx-specific definitions and to architectural terms generally associated with design phases (i.e., content beyond the scope of BECx services). Refer to the balloted revisions within.


Developed by Subcommittee: E06.55

Committee: E06

Staff Manager: Frank McConnell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-08-2024

Technical Contact: Anna Burhoe

